Weightlifting Club

The 808 Weightlifting Club


To help athletes improve their Weightlifting technique through advance programming.

Who should join?
Beginners, competitive weightlifters, competitive CrossFitters, and/or anyone looking to improve their weightlifting technique. Our program and coaches will make you more proficient at the Olympic lifts.

What matters?
What matters is that you are positive, accountable, motivated, determined, coachable and hardworking.

How to join the 808 Weightlifting Club:

  • Have an active Unlimited monthly membership with CrossFit 808.
  • Take our Weightlifting Advance Program. Our advance program is 3 sessions, scheduled at your convenience. The cost is $150 payable to Marcus Ofoia-Stevens ($100 each for a group of 2 or more). Coach Marcus will cover everything you will see in his programming for the Weightlifting Club.

Email marcus@808crossfit.com or info@808crossfit.com with the subject line, "808 Weightlifting Club" for more details!

Oly Platform hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:30-noon and 4:00-7:00pm
Saturday: 8:30-11:00am

